May 24, 2015

DIY Essential Oil Bug Spray

I absolutely HATE store bought bug spray. It feels gross, stinks, and makes me breakout because it is full of chemicals (I have sensitive skin).

To enjoy being outside without constantly swatting the air around me (you know the bug dance, right?) I made up this all natural, super easy and cheap bug spray with my Young Living essential oils.

I used a 2 oz spray bottle, filled it with distilled water, and added in 6 drops each of Purification and Citronella oils. Just before using, shake it up and spray on anywhere you'd use your new DIY bug spray.

Grand total for handmade bug spray: $1.28

For more info on essential oils and to sign up or buy as a member or retail customer, check out or go to Young Living and use my member ID: 1860270 I'll also add you to some amazing FB groups and help you with any questions you have along your oily journey! 

May 4, 2015

The Relationship Handbook by Shakti Gawain and Gina Vucci

The Relationship Handbook by Shakti Gawain and Gina Vucci is a beautifully written book for you to use right away about ALL types of relationships in your life. If you want to learn strategies to help make each of your relationships better (or know when it is time to move on from them), this is a book you will definitely want to read!

Book Description
Using knowledge and skills honed over a lifetime of teaching and learning, personal development pioneer Shakti Gawain presents a powerful, life-changing work on a subject she has always been passionate about: our relationships. In her popular workshops and in her personal life, she has tested and refined the insights and exercises in this book, which she cowrote with her longtime collaborator Gina Vucci. Their approach reflects the fact that each of us is in relationships not only with romantic partners, family, coworkers, and children, but also with internal core beliefs and a variety of selves, including primary, disowned, and shadow selves.

These revelatory teachings incorporate strategies for becoming aware of hidden beliefs, applying the Voice Dialogue process developed by Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone, and learning to experience every relationship as a path to self-knowledge. Through her gentle guidance, Shakti shows us how every relationship we have at every moment can be seen as a path toward greater consciousness, healing, and growth.” – The Relationship Handbook

My Thoughts
The Relationship Handbook gives us all a powerful tool to use to create better relationships with the people we choose to surround ourselves with. Most books on this subject only look into personal or romantic relationships, but not this one! This one also has us look deeper into ourselves and see the primary, disowned, and shadow selves – how revolutionary!

Shakti gently guides us on a better path to understanding ourselves so we can then not only have better relationships in our lives, but to help us on a path to greater healing and growth. Learning how to listen to ourselves is probably one of the harder things that she helps us to do with this, but it is an important part to actually do if you want to succeed with this handbook. The exercises contained in the book are excellent. My favorite is the “Forgiving and Releasing Yourself” one which helps to forgive ourselves for mistakes we have made to other people as well as ourselves.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading and working through this handbook. It is an excellent resource that I think everyone could benefit from using. I highly recommend it.

* Thank you to the publisher of The Relationship Handbook, New World Library, for providing me with a copy of this book for review. All opinions expressed are my own.