The “End Times” and prophecies of Armageddon and world ending disasters has been a hot topic of discussion for all of our recorded history (and probably even before then). I don’t think this is going to change anytime soon.
We have another such prediction coming up next year. This one is from the Mayans with the December 21, 2012 end date. Unfortunately there are no Mayans left to ask about this since they all disappeared quite some time ago.
Personally, I do not think the world is going to “end” next year either. I do however think that we could experience some life changing things in our near future.
The New Madrid earthquake fault line in America could very likely experience some strong activity. This could result in devastating changes in America if a huge earthquake were to hit there.

The U.S. Navy Earth Change Map also shows what America could look like in the future. I guess my dream home in the French Quarter in New Orleans, LA will be gone :(

So, what do you think will happen? Discuss!
I agree with you, I think that whole rapture business is a bunch of horse puckey! I do find the map with the new bodies of water rather interesting though. See, that's more likely than Jesus dropping out of the sky to gather up his followers.
Yea I thought the rapture thing was so silly. It just didn't make any sense! But really CT is gonna be underwater? Interesting, ahha. LOoks like I'm moving. =P
That preacher is a nut!
Happy blogoversary :)
If you actually look into the Christian calender versus the Mayan calender, you will find that December 21, 2012, actually corresponds to our calender date, December 24th, 2011.
But my prediction is that on 9.11.11 will be the beginning of it all.
Also, there will be a faked alien invasion by our governments to unite the world into a New World Order.
I've heard about the fake alien invasion happening soon. It might happen. It could happen for real, who knows? ;)
I am glad I don't live that could be under water!
We live in interesting times. Will be waiting to see what happens.
Wow! Makes you wonder about 2012 thing too
Thanks for posting these maps. Interesting stuff!
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