I honestly don’t even know where to begin writing this post. So, I’ll give some updates on what it is like here and also share some pictures of the damage around where I live.

This is a picture I took outside our house probably about 5 minutes before we heard the tornado come through. The trees behind where you see the house, it looked like a war zone after the tornado. To the right of there and across the river they also saw complete devastation. Shortly after it went through, we saw many red, white and blue lights flashing in the distance for hours. The next day we found out they were searching for people, some were fished out of the water.

Where I live, our road was extremely lucky. We live just one street away from an area that was completely devastated. The trees that were down on our road that hit power lines and fell on some houses didn’t kill anyone. We lost water for 4 days and power for almost one whole week though.
Everything that happened almost two weeks ago is still so unreal. You see national disasters on the news, but until it is in your own backyard (quite literally) you just don’t grasp how devastating it can be for people. The following pictures are of the debris still floating in the river by our house and some shots of the area that was hit so hard by where I live.

When I was driving back home from the store a few days ago, I clocked just how wide the destruction from that tornado was. 1.5 miles wide. For what was once such a beautiful country road, it will never look or feel the same again. Of course, that can be said for everywhere the tornado hit that was 200 or 300 miles long of destruction.
If you can possibly donate anything to the Red Cross or other organizations that are helping the victims from these tornadoes that went through, they do still need much support. If you can’t donate money, prayers are of course always welcome and much needed for people too.
Oh, wow! This breaks my heart. So glad you are OK.
Hope everyone is okay!
P.S. I found these maxi dresses for you:
This is just heartbreaking. I hope you and your loved ones are doing okay. :)
Wow! I heard about it on the news, but I'm sure that is nothing like seeing it so close. Glad you anre your family are ok!
Wow...that's a lot of damage! I couldn't imagine going through something like that! I am glad y'all are all okay!
wow these photos are unreal...so sad.
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