Book Description
“The Psychic Twins have amazed audiences all over the world with their eerie predictions that have proven to be true, including the events of 9/11, the Times Square Terrorist incident, natural disasters and more. They've also worked with countless clients who report that their predictions later came to be true. Although the Twins have an undeniable gift in this area, we all have psychic capabilities-- and in this book they show you how to strengthen your own, look into your future, and change your destiny.
In PSYCHIC INTELLIGENCE, Terry and Linda Jamison explain, step-by-step, how to dissolve the blocks that can prevent you from using and trusting your own intuition. By exploring what they call the Four Clairs: clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance, you will be able to tap into these feelings and in turn:
--Create strong and worthwhile relationships, including finding true love
--Attract wealth and abundance
-Know when to make a career change, and what the new path should be
--Experience vibrant health
--Discover your authentic self and life's purpose
Now, at a time of real economic and social uncertainty, when hope is needed and so many are feeling confused and fearful, PSYCHIC INTELLIGENCE will show readers that we all have the power to tap into and control our own destiny.” – Psychic Intelligence
My Thoughts
I’ve wanted to expand my knowledge and ability in psychic senses for a long time. I’ve read many books about it but never really did many of the exercises in the books or resonated with what they said. This book changed that and gave me a better understanding of which type of “Clair” I am better able to do and also how to make the others stronger. Even if you don’t think you’d be good at one, you probably would be good with at least one. The quiz or checklist given for each type will help you to see which ones you’d be best at.
Psychic Intelligence is written in a fun and easy to follow format by the twins that makes it easy to understand. There are many stories and exercises throughout the book that make it relatable and fun to try out. If this is something you’ve wanted to improve on too, be sure to get this book. I highly recommend it.
* Thank you to the publisher of Psychic Intelligence, Grand Central, for providing me with a copy of this book for review. All opinions expressed are my own.
I saw them on "The View" and was thinking about getting this book. Thanks for reminding me!
I just bought this book last week and I love it!
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