May 3, 2014

20 and Something by David H Kim

20 and Something by David H Kim is a book written “for emerging adults and anyone wondering about those millennials.” If you are looking for information on what this age group thinks about a variety of topics, check this book out.

Book Description
Twentysomethings today are redefining what this decade means and what making a positive contribution to society looks like. One reality is today's economy - you may find yourself a recent college graduate with no job prospects. As such, many twentysomethings are shifting away from career, to calling, looking for ways to impact the world. Or maybe for you, a career or job is what you do in order to support the more meaningful work you love, like photography, music, brewing, or traveling.

Likely you have found a tribe of like-minded people who are taking the journey with you, asking yourselves big questions like what to do with life, what does it mean, why should I settle down with a spouse and house so soon? These questions have huge ramifications for all aspects of society. Twentysomethings need new ways of thinking about institutions and finding rootedness in a transient culture, while at the same time institutions need new ways of thinking about and incorporating twentysomethings. Join David H. Kim, the executive director of the Center for Faith and Work at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, as he walks through the uniqueness of this transformative decade.” – 20 and Something

My Thoughts
20 and Something is aimed to show that the millenials aren’t lazy, and how people in this generation can use this time of their life to figure it out and have the time of their life. However, it is mostly focused on statistics about what this age group thinks. As someone who is in the age group, nothing came as a shock to me. Nor does it make me feel like it helped me any from having read it, sadly.

Overall, it is good for statistics and what you want to do with that. However, statistics can be written to show what the researcher wants as well, so read into it how you will. It is a very short book that makes for a quick read. I wouldn’t read it again, and wouldn’t recommend others to read it unless you are into reading statistics.

* Thank you to the publisher of 20 and Something, Zondervan, for providing me with a copy of this book for review as part of Thomas Nelson’s Book Look Blogger program. All opinions expressed are my own.

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