November 7, 2012

The Magical Path by Marc Allen

The Magical Path by Marc Allen is an excellent book that can help all of us achieve the life of our dreams. It is filled with affirmations, visualizations, meditations, and much more.

Book Description
This extraordinary work presents a series of simple, powerful tools that anyone can use to find a short, effortless route to success and fulfillment. You will discover tried-and-true techniques that deliver quick results. In fact, these shortcuts to success are so simple, accessible, and effective that you will quickly call them magical. Marc Allen developed these tools over several decades, and refined them over many years in a series of life-changing seminars. The results have been wonderful, even miraculous, for a great many people. 

Work and play with any part of this book and you’ll start seeing remarkable things happening in your life and in your world.” – The Magical Path

My Thoughts
The Magical Path is truly a book that everyone can use, no matter what religion you are. If you can read, this book can work for you. The affirmations are perhaps the easiest way to start bringing this magic into your life. All you need to do is use one of the affirmations included in this book, or write one of your own. Visualizations aren’t hard, but it does take more concentration. Same with meditating. If you are a beginner, start with the affirmations and work your way up.

You don’t need any extra tools to use with this book. If you want to elaborate on the exercises, and put up the affirmations around your home, you’ll need a few extra things like post-its, a notebook, or whatever creative tools you’d like to use with it.

Marc Allen weaves magic in his words throughout this book, and if you read it and use it, I’m sure it will bring magic into your life as well. I highly recommend it.

* Thank you to the publisher of The Magical Path, New World Library, for providing me with a copy of this book for review. All opinions expressed are my own.


Sarah said...

Beautiful review. Sounds like a magical book dear! :)

Anonymous said...

I need some more positive affirmations and things to try.