December 20, 2011

Healing is a Choice by Stephen Arterburn

Healing is a Choice by Stephen Arterburn is a book that will help you look into your life to make better choices that will allow you to heal. If there is something in your life that you feel you need to work on, this could be the book to help you do it.

Book Description
Do you want to get well?
The power to heal—physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually—is in God's hands. But the choice to be healed is ours. Everyone, at some level, needs healing. In this book, Stephen Arterburn outlines ten choices crucial to receiving healing and ten lies that can prevent us from making them. Readers will find the wholeness God desires for them in a practical and prayerful way through this book.
Now including the full workbook, this combined release emphasizes the fact that we must choose to let the hurt go and let the healing begin.
The book asks the participant, "Do you want to be healed?" If the answer is yes, then ten choices are provided to make the path toward healing a restorative experience.
 – Healing is a Choice

My Thoughts
Healing is a Choice is a rather large book. However, once you get started reading it and working on the suggestions included, it doesn’t seem quite so bad. The workbooks help the reader to actually put what they read to use, which not all self-help books do. I particularly liked this part of the book because it gives many useful things to actually do and think about when making changes.

Even though the book is easy to read, it isn’t always easy to put what is read into use. Some beliefs that we have about healing (and life in general) are hard to change. It can be done, but it definitely takes time and work to do it. Don’t think of this book as a quick fix, because it isn’t. However, once you make the choice to change, healing can happen!

* Thank you to the publisher of Healing is a Choice, Thomas Nelson, for providing me with a copy of this book for review as part of the program. All opinions expressed are my own.

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