January 28, 2010

Energy Healing

Energy Healing: The practical workbook by Christina Mark is a remarkable source of information on energy healing. In it you will discover how the movement of energy contributes to healing and how you can put it to use.

One of the biggest draws to this book for me was that the author, Christina Mark is a registered nurse (what I’m going back to school for), and she has 40 years experience in healthcare. She is also a licensed tutor with the National Federation of Spiritual Healers. She really knows what she is talking about!

My Aunt Judy taught me how to do reiki when I was rather young (somewhere around 9 or 10 maybe), and I still practice it to this day. For those that don’t know, it is a form of energy healing. While I am no reiki master, I have had quite a few successes with it. So, this was the second draw to this book for me.

I used the skills provided in this book to use energy healing on my dog. She is getting pretty old and has issues going up and down the stairs sometimes. After a few healing sessions, I can noticeably see a difference in her level of activity being increased and a little more ease going up and down the stairs.

Book Description:
Christina Mark examines the seven levels of energy, starting with the auric field and progressing to the physical processes of the body via the endocrine and nervous systems, the meridians and chakras. She guides us through the effects of stress, love, nutrition and exercise on our emotional, mental and physical health. This practical workbook demonstrates how to work with energy, step by step, to improve all aspects of our well-being. The final section explains the healing process and the need for professional conduct and practice, and provides a plan for holistic healthcare. The clear, informative diagrams and exercise series may be used in both a personal and a professional setting.

Energy Healing gives so much knowledge that it is truly an essential resource for all those who are in the energy healing field from the beginner to the more advanced healers. I highly recommend this book for people interested in this field of study and those already in it.

* Thank you to Watkins Publishing for providing me a copy to review.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm that seems very interesting. And its cool that you know how to do that!