July 6, 2014

Paradise in Plain Sight by Karen Maezen Miller

Paradise in Plain Sight by Karen Maezen Miller is a book that offers life lessons from a zen garden. It isn’t necessarily a book about zen or gardening, but it offers a bit of both. It is a metaphor, and yet it isn’t. It is excellent, thought provoking, and perhaps teaches the things in life that we all want, yet take for granted each day.

Book Description
When Zen teacher Karen Maezen Miller and her family land in a house with a hundred-year-old Japanese garden, she uses the paradise in her backyard to glean the living wisdom of our natural world. Through her eyes, rocks convey faith, ponds preach stillness, flowers give love, and leaves express the effortless ease of letting go. The book welcomes readers into the garden for Zen lessons in fearlessness, forgiveness, presence, acceptance, and contentment. Miller gathers inspiration from the ground beneath her feet to remind us that paradise is always here and now.Paradise in Plain Sight

My Thoughts
Paradise in Plain Sight is a beautifully written book. The author does an excellent job portraying her message of finding paradise in your own life, even though it may not seem like such a paradise right now. Through her story of bringing her 100 year old Japanese garden back to life, she is able to do this, and much more.

This book is full of helpful, eye-opening clarities of life, if you only take the time to read them. Moving ahead on the path that you want is simply a matter of doing it and going straight on the way you choose.

I completely enjoyed this book and learned a lot from it. I think that this book would benefit so many people, I highly recommend it!

* Thank you to the publisher of Paradise in Plain Sight, New World Library, for providing me with a copy of this book for review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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