July 27, 2010

The Impostor’s Daughter by Laurie Sandell

The Impostor’s Daughter is written and illustrated by Laurie Sandell. This is not your typical book. It is fully colored and reads like a well written comic book for adults. It is humorous and witty, and leaves you wanting more.

Book Description
“Laurie Sandell grew up in awe (and sometimes in terror) of her larger-than-life father, who told jaw-dropping tales of a privileged childhood in Buenos Aires, academic triumphs, heroism during Vietnam, friendships with Kissinger and the Pope. As a young woman, Laurie unconsciously mirrors her dad, trying on several outsized personalities (Tokyo stripper, lesbian seductress, Ambien addict). Later, she lucks into the perfect job--interviewing celebrities for a top women's magazine. Growing up with her extraordinary father has given Laurie a knack for relating to the stars.” – The Impostor’s Daughter

My Thoughts
The Impostor’s Daughter is a true memoir of the author’s life. Most of us have some parental issues that we have hopefully sorted out by the time we reach our thirties. However, that isn’t always the case and this book is a fun read about the author’s life with her father, the impostor.

I haven’t read a comic book for years, and even though this is the style of the book – it reads like a well written graphic memoir. You feel the awe that Laurie felt for her father when she was a child and still looked up to him. You feel the pain and anger that she felt when she discovered how he really is and the true magnitude of what happened in his life, which affected hers.

All of Laurie Sandell’s adventures in life, love, work and exotic experiences have led to this perfect memoir of her life. I hope she comes out with one later in life too, because I for one want to see what happens next for her.

I found The Impostor’s Daughter to be a truly fun and enjoyable read. I finished it in one sitting and couldn’t put it down. I loved every illustrated page of the author’s memoir, and I think you will too. I highly recommend this book.

* Thank you to the publisher of The Impostor’s Daughter, Back Bay Books, part of the Hachette Book Group for providing me with a copy of this book for review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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