I just finished watching Blood Rayne 1 and 2 that I rented from NetFlix. As you know, I love vampire movies and books. So, I thought this one sounded like it would be good to watch. Half-vampire half-human, Rayne sets out to destroy other bad vampires. Sounds like my kind of vampire movie, so I added it to the Que.
The storyline for the first movie wasn’t too bad (not good, but not bad). I watched it nonetheless; I mean I had nothing else to do. The fight scenes made me laugh, the squirting blood and slicing people and vampires in half was just too much to not laugh. It was too unrealistic for this movie to be made in 2006. The acting wasn’t great, but not horrible either. I give it about a 5/10.
Today I decided to watch Blood Rayne 2. The storyline was pathetic. The acting was worse. The fight scenes were worse. Everything was worse. I barely held attention to it while I was browsing the internet. I give this movie a 1/10. I will never watch it again.
The movies were based (sort of) on the video games. I never played them, though I would, most likely. From what I read on reviews, the games are much better than the movies. Have any of you seen the movies or played the video games? What did you think?
We have the movies and the Playstation games. They are my husband's, not mine. I don't care for anything that has to do with vampires. He liked the movies though.
I haven't seen these movies or played the video games. I do love it when a movie is so campy that you can't help but laugh at it.
Ive usually seen movies that inspire video games. :P but Silent Hill is based on a video game right? That's pretty scary.
I actually kind of liked the video game. It was fun. Haven't seen the movies, nor do I plan to. A 5/10 isn't good enough for me to consider...although watching fake gore might be interesting...
Oh and since I find your blog absolutely worth following, just cracks me up.
How did you like Trueblood? did you catch that series on HBO?
Silent Hill is based on the video game series. I played one of them, it was rather scary to play alone at night!
I only saw one or two episodes of True Blood, but I liked it! I added that series to my NetFlix que too.
It always helps to have a good laugh at a ridiculous movie (Blood Rayne 2). It's those days that make me realize that life can't be taken so seriously.=}
Haven't ever heard of that.
What's the game about at least?
The game is about the same thing. Vampire/Human that kills the bad vampires, or so I think.
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