January 11, 2009

Sydney White

While I was watching the movie Sydney White, I was reminiscing about my own college days. Maybe that is why I continued to watch the movie. It wasn’t that stimulating and the acting wasn’t so grand. Amanda Bynes did an okay job but she over-acts too much for my liking. It doesn’t really seem natural. It is a cute teen-movie though that has a spin on the classic Snow White theme.

However, when the scene came up that included the gym I did a double-take. It looked just like my old college’s gym! Surely it couldn’t be UCF’s, could it? The open layout, the treadmills overlooking the weights and of course my favorite feature of all: the treadmills with TVs on them. I also spotted a portion of the wall climbing area and the big tall palm trees outside. Hmm. Maybe it was filmed at UCF after all!

That is when I did a little internet research to see where this movie was filmed at. Turns out I was right! It was shot in spots at the University of Central Florida including Greek Row and the big gym I miss so much. They also filmed the movie in various locations at Rollins College, around Orlando, Winter Garden, Winter Park, and environs, in L.A.

When I was going to school at UCF, the CW (or was it still the WB back then) shot Big Man On Campus there. I only watched it to make fun of the girls they had on the show and of course to see all the areas I’ve been. I have to admit it is fun being able to say “I’ve been there!” or “I have a class in that building” or “I know right where that is!” during a show (or movie).


Andhari said...

I like the 7 geeks haha..is it 7 geeks? theyre just so funny, typical teen movie but refreshing :) good to know u went to school there..must be fun to be reminded on many places in a movie..

Anonymous said...

That's really cool!

Jenni said...

Check it out over here and pick up your award:

zipbagofbones said...

What are the chances of that? I mean, take all the college campus gyms, then take all the movies ever made, then add to that the chances that you'd watch THIS particular crappy movie, and that's gotta be...what? One in a zillion? Awesome. Buy a lotto ticket immediately.

Sheri, RN said...

Yes, it is the 7 Geeks lol

Makes me miss UCF though. Ahh those were the days, well mostly... It is a bit of a party school haha!