I have briefly stated on this Blog that I am a Paranormal Investigator. Some have asked me what that is. Well, the easiest way to explain it is to say that I am a “Ghost Hunter.” I am in a group that goes out on Saturday nights to haunted locations. Anywhere from a residential house that the home’s owner has contacted us to investigate, an abandoned building, cemetery, wherever. If you have ever seen an episode of the show “Ghost Hunters” on SciFi - that is basically what we do minus the TV camera crew following us around. We use the EMF detectors, digital cameras, digital camcorders, K2 meters, digital audio recorders, etc.
I’ve been interested in the paranormal for as long as I can remember. I’ve always believed in ghosts and spirits, so I am not one of those people who just are doing this because it is “cool.” Yes, there are some groups out there who do it just for that. Why? I don’t know. They are tools. They make the community of us look bad and it really just annoys me. I could go on about this, but that would be a much longer and mad post. So, moving on…
Last night we went on an investigation at a residential house about an hour or so from where I live. All day yesterday it was foggy and rainy. I hate to bring up Twilight again, but it was really much like the weather described in the book at Forks. Perfect mood for ghost hunting. Also, some believe that rain can also help bring out ghost and spiritual activity.
We investigated from 7pm until about 11pm. Due to the confidentiality of such investigations; I can’t get into how it went or what I thought right now. All I can say is that it was a good investigation, and I hope we caught some good evidence to go with it.
oh so i guess its not a good time if i ask what did u find then :)
i think what you do is really interesting, you know one of my favorite shows is supernatural but i bet in reality its more serious and complicated than a tv show..:D
This is fascinating to me. Maybe at some point you could tell us what happens once a ghost or spirit has been discovered? Is there a process for getting them out of that location and to somewhere else? And do you find that most are just displaced spirits, looking for their home, etc?
Perhaps I have this on my brain because someone at my New Year's retreat kept asking if I believed in demons. She asked the priest, too.
Anyway, very cool post, and I'm glad you had a good investigation!
Supernatural is a great show! I watch it when I can. :)
You're right though, in reality it isn't as cool of course. It is serious and technical since we go for the scientific evidence. I still have quite a lot of fun though! :)
Paula, good idea for a future post about this. I'll sum it up briefly though for now...
Ghosts, spirits and demons are all real. Every investigator that is in the group I am in wears an Archangel Michal and various other medals they prefer that are blessed by a priest to help protect us in case we come in contact with a bad spirit, or in the rare case a demon.
We come across ghosts and spirits who are close to loved ones, lived or worked at a particular location for a long time, and some who are lost as well.
LOL! Love how you added in something about Twilight on this post. Very interesting about the investigation stuff too!
That scares me.
I'll be honest.
I can't even go near those fake haunted houses during halloween.
I'd probably be the one in the corner with the wet pants everytime I heard a bump.
That's awesome! Love the new layout btw. =)
You are brave. I have always wanted to join in paranormal investigations but I'm too chicken. For now I'll watch Ghost Hunters on TV. :)
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